Research & Development
In order to bring a full range of solutions to its clients and to develop its know-how, ARBEAUSOLutions also implements several projects of Research and Development.
ARBEAUSOLutions is a Young Innovative Company that bases its expertise on a unique software program. This was developed internally, thanks to a methodology that is the result of more than seven years of research. This diagnosis expert system is constantly improving, and aims to translate an analysis of multiparametric risks, as closely as possible to on-site observations.
Considering the difficulty of handling ligneous vegetation and the using phytopharmaceutical products ban near streams, ARBEAUSOLutions develops alternative methods allowing dangerous vegetation control on a long-term basis, and in accordance with regulations and the environment.
A patented process on stump devitalization, developed in collaboration with INRA ( Avignon UR 407 – Vegetal Pathology department), is now efficient on poplar, salix, ash tree, oak and black locust . Reseach works are currently going on with the purpose of methods optimization and on solutions adapted to invasive species.

Regarding deciduous trees, a simple cutting down of the tree is not an efficient method which induces the reinforcement of its root system. The trees will produce suckers, coming from the stump or from the root system, causing upliftings, crackings and destructuring of dikes and dams.